Sunday, November 9, 2008

Save the Auto Makers!

News item: In a letter to Hank Paulson, treasury secretary, sent on Saturday, Nov. 9, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi,Speaker of the House, wrote: “We left the meetings convinced that our nation’s automobile industry - the heart of our manufacturing sector - and the jobs of tens of thousands of Americans are at risk." Then they begged that some of the $700 billion earmarked to fix the credit crunch be siphoned off to the auto industry.

At the heart of the Democratic Party's political-environmental-economic philosophy is the notion that the internal combustion engine is the mechanical Anti-Christ, threatening the very survival of mankind. How ironic then, that with Barack Obama about ready to take over the helm, the Democratic leaders of Congress are sweating bullets worrying about the fortunes of the big three automakers. If they really want to save the auto industry, they should break the unions and throw out excessive regulatory obligations they have saddled the auto industry with the last 30 years.

Of course, if this were Republicans rallying to save the Big Three, it would just be another piece of evidence that the GOP is in the pocket of Korporate Amerika. A person more cynical than I would suspect that the Democrats want to save the auto industry in 2008 just so they can destroy it with the mandatory manufacture of electric cars in 2010.


familyof5 said...

Its way over my head, but I loved reading it anyways! Its good to know that you are still out there ranting and raving..I miss sitting across from you at the table at RVC listening to you and laughing with you about all the crazy in the world.

Joe Mazzanti said...

Nancy Pelosi saves the day! Wait...