Wednesday, January 30, 2008

George W. Bush ageless?

After the State of the Union speech, our local paper ran a series of pictures of President Bush taken at each of his seven SoTU speeches. We poured over them at work and couldn't see any discernible aging. The Dorian Gray comments were made. Some of us think that Bush actually looks younger now than he did when he first took office.

There are only a few possible explanations for this.
  1. He's hopped up on human growth hormone and bouncing back from those gut-wrenching, make-your-hair-fall-out decisions faster than a Tour de France rider leading the pack through the Alps.
  2. He's more oblivious to the implications of his decisions than even his worst critics have charged.
  3. He has a steely inner strength, ice water for blood, and nearly comatose central nervous system he developed through years and years of flying Texas Air National Guard combat missions over the enemy infested skies of Lubbock (at least when he showed up).
On the other hand, his days in the White House haven't been so kind to Barney. It's almost like he's aged seven years for every year Bush has been in office.


Very sad.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Race doesn't matter. Right.

As his landslide victory in South Carolina became apparent, Barack Obama declared to the crowd that the election wasn’t “about black versus white.”

The throng chanted, “Race doesn’t matter!”

Three out of four blacks voted for Obama. Three out of four whites voted for one of the white candidates. Race doesn’t matter...NOT!

Are conservatives the only ones who see the irony in the fact that the party of affirmative action and civil rights legislation can’t honestly acknowledge that its electorate is voting straight down racial lines? In a week when Americans celebrated a man who dreamt of a country where people would “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” the media interviewed voters fretting over whether to cast their ballots for the black or the woman. Hey, what about health care?

I believe it is an absolute truth—but would never be conceded by liberals—that conservatives would be proud to vote for a conservative black candidate and would judge him (or her!) on the basis of shared values.

[Vote Condi ’12!]

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Where is the Tiger Woods of politics?

So Tiger is ahead in his first golf tournament of the year by about a dozen strokes while none of our politicians seem to be able to put together back-to-back birdies on the course where the final fairway leads to the White House.

Hillary. Can you imagine having to spend four years listening to that shrew? She's touting her experience which amounts to less than two terms in the senate and being married to Bill. If the experience of being a politician's wife transfers to presidential proficiencey, Barbara Bush should be running. Her husband, after all, was a congressman, ran the CIA, served as ambassador to China, did the veep job under Reagan, and capped it all off with a term in the White House.

Obama. Positives: great smile. Negatives: smoker. 'Nuff said.

McCain. Here's a geniune hero. Worst mistake in his career was not being born into the "Greatest Generation" or sponsoring the failed immigration reform bill. Close call.

Romney. One term governor. Makes Hillary's experience look significant. Successful businessman and we all know how well business savvy transfers to government work. How much of his business success depended on his Mormon contacts?

Giuliani. Unable to capitalize on 9/11 Twin Tower disaster well enough to prevent 1/29 Florida disaster.

Huckabee. See Obama. Nonsmoker.

Edwards. Could be "kingmaker" at the convention. Will he pick the yet-untamed "Shrew" or the young Hamlet figure?

Tiger just finished up his Saturday round, about two-score strokes ahead. Asked about the final round on Sunday, he said it wasn't over, of course, we all know that it is. If only we could say the same thing about these primaries...