Saturday, September 24, 2011

On the verge of a UN sanctioned second Holocaust?

Can we take Palestinian leadership at their word? If so, this effort for statehood is another step toward a second Holocaust. Here's what they've recently said:
"They talk to us about the Jewish state, but I respond to them with a final answer: We shall not recognize a Jewish state." Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, 9/23/2011. 
“The future independent Palestinian state will not include a Jewish minority," a top Palestinian official told USA Today on 9/21/2011.
By contrast, here's what Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the UN:
"...the Jewish state of Israel will always protect the rights of all its minorities, including more than 1 million Arab citizens of Israel."
Israel's Knesset currently has 14 Arab members. The list of Arabs who have been elected to the Knesset is long. In fact, Arabs have served on the Knesset since its first session.

It's ironic that while many hope the so-called "Arab Spring" will bring democracy to the Arab Middle East, Arab citizens of Israel have enjoyed democracy since the founding of the Jewish nation.

For there to be legitimate negotiations between two parties, both must have something to give, as well as benefits to receive.

The only things the Palestinians have to offer Israel are
  1. to recognize the Jewish state and
  2. to commit to being peaceful neighbors with Israel.
It is clear that the political leaders of the Palestinian people are committed to the destruction of Israel and driving Jews out of the Middle East. Why are we pushing Israel to negotiate with the current Palestinian leadership? And even worse, why is the United States attempting to force Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians even before the Palestinians are willing to sit down and negotiate in good faith?

Further, Abbas' use of the phrase "final answer" should send chills up the spine of every civilized person.

As much sympathy as many of us have for average Palestinians who are living in the most difficult conditions, we must not let that sympathy allow us to overlook the murderous, anti-semitism of the Palestinian leadership.

Nor should we ever forget that Israel is the only true democracy in the Middle East and the only true friend the United States has in that region.