Thursday, January 20, 2011

Shameless attempt to gain page views

Anne Hathaway's catwoman repeals health care law as Michelle Obama's new designer gown clings to Hilary Duff who claims she's not pregnant.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Facts, Fiction and Tuscon

Facts are neither Republican nor Democrat, conservative nor liberal. Here are some facts regarding the tragic killing and injuring that occurred in Tucson, Arizona.
The killer, Jared Loughner, is a mentally ill homicidal maniac. He’s not a Republican or a Democrat and according to a person who knew him well, he didn’t watch television news or listen to talk radio.
Immediately after the incident, many liberals and Democrats linked the tragedy to intense and combative political discussion. There is no factual basis from which this connection can be made, yet this line of “reasoning” continues to be forwarded and legislation is being discussed that would in some case temper our freedom of speech.
Various law enforcement agencies were called to deal with Loughner’s erratic and threatening behavior over the last few years. He was expelled from the local junior college. He was denied entry into the military because of his mental instability.
Even though one of Loughner’s classmates clearly identified him as a mass murderer in the making, not enough flags were raised to get his name on the list that would have prevented Loughner from legally purchasing a gun. Why have a list like this if a character who has repeated run-ins with the law doesn’t get his name added?
Over the last few decades liberals, including the ACLU, have made it far more difficult to take a mentally ill person off the street. At the same time budget pressures have prompted local governments to make cuts or stem the growth of public mental health agencies.
Reforming our mental health system, improving communication between law enforcement agencies regarding people with potentially dangerous mental health issues and upgrading our “no-sell” firearms list seem like the issues that our lawmakers should begin to discuss. Trying to figure out a way to decrease the vitriol inherent in our political debate is a waste of time. Politicians can do that, in large measure, on their own without any legislation.
As voters we should insist that our elected officials deal with the facts and not pander to our emotions. That simple change would move our nation forward.