Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Reach across the aisle and get your hand cut off

Journalists everywhere are falling over themselves praising the successful campaign of Barack Obama. And it certainly was a well run campaign. But why aren't any charging that he virtually purchased the office of the presidency? When Republicans outspend Democrats there is always an undercurrent that their victories are tainted by their big spending.

Obama outspent McCain three-to-one (I'm hearing 4-1 and 5-1 now). Do you think he would have won had he spent the same amount as McCain? It's a good question. Further,  it came to light near the end of the campaign that many donations to the Obama campaign are untraceable and, frankly, suspect due to the abuse of those charge cards that can be loaded with funds. Not illegal, but a huge loophole in the law. Anyone surprised that politicians would write a law and leave such a huge loophole?

But above all, isn't it poetic justice that McCain sealed his own destiny in 2002 when he ushered the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform through Congress? Being an old navy man, I think McCain is in a perfect position to appreciate the old adage of being "hoisted by one's own petard."

I just hope Republicans see how little there is to gain politically by "reaching across the aisle." In this election a very moderate Republican with a long history of working with Democrats was trounced by the second most liberal Democrat in the Senate. In addition, they paid the price for caving in on all the legislation that virtually eliminated any reasonable voter eligibility requirements. Who knows how much fraud there was in this election, but  who cares? Apparently no one. Until the Republicans learn to play hardball in the same league as the Democrats, they are dead in the water. If you can't control the country's borders, you don't have a proper country. If you can't control who votes, you don't have a legitimate government.

Republicans need to understand they will always be severely criticized by the press. Just get used to it. Cut them off when necessary. Obama had no problem kicking his critics in the press off his campaign plane.

I join all the Obama supporters in their joy of having a black man as president. In that respect this is truly a historic day. I just wish it woulda been a black conservative...

1 comment:

Joe Mazzanti said...

It's also interesting to notice how the campaign funding was spent. Obama knew that he needed to manipulate the 18-26 age demographic. Why? Because they're the voters that are most impressionable. I think it would also be reasonable to say that many 18-22 year old people were very active this year, causing such a high voter-turnout.

Obama did way more electronic advertising. Advertising through electronic mediums like the internet or Xbox Live is far more expensive than simply running TV ads. Electronic advertising, such as in game advertisements (Look up Obama's "Burnout Paradise" or "Mercenaries 2" promotions) costs ran to be very very high for Barack, but as the election showed, it worked phenomenally.

The advantage in the election is only partially due to the resources allocated to marketing by each party. I would like to think that Obama knew how to manipulate certain demographics using well planned advertising. Even worse, the next election is going to be based on marketing even more.

Presidents will be decided not on their beliefs or plans for the country, but by name association. Wait... it seems like that may already be happening. Who knows?

Soon, even debates will be obsolete. Presidential candidates will play one on one games of Halo 3 in a best of 3 series. The winner of the series wins the debate and gets electoral votes.