Monday, June 2, 2008

Scientists as Liars

We have another Mars probe on the Red Planet and again "scientists" expose their completely unscientific bias and, if you think about it for a moment, their unbridled willingness to spend taxpayers money to pursue their childhood fantasies. This video captures it. Also note in this video that in every "artist's conception" there is snow and ice laying on the surface of the planet. They know this isn't the case, but the NASA artists can't keep their fantasies out of their work and their bosses apparently don't care about the truth enough to make them properly render their artwork.

Ray Arvidson says there are two possible explanations for what they are seeing. It could be either rock or ice. Arvidson contines, "We are pushing for ice." We are supposed to believe that scientists go into their research with open minds. Not so. Arvidson knows what he wants to find. I am thankful he was honest enough to say it publicly. I have no idea whether what they are seeing is rock or ice. I'll wait until the data are in.

Evolutionary materialistic scientists always accuse creationists of distorting the data to fit their theories, I suggest they are equally, if not more, guilty. I can't count the number of stories that talk about water and carbon compounds being the "building blocks of life." This shows a complete misunderstanding of what "life" is. Someday I'll be dead and gone from this temporal world. The lump of chemical compounds I leave behind are in no way the "building blocks of life."

Life is intangible. It's a creative force that animates and empowers reproduction. Calling the chemicals which are animated by this power the "building blocks of life" is like calling a truckload of spools of copper wire "the building blocks of electricity." Bricks are the "building blocks" of houses because when you put them together they actually "build" a house. Not so with the carbon compounds and amino acids that our bodies are made from.

I am a great believer in "pure" scientific research. But how much money should we let our government spend flying probes around the universe trying to find these phony "building blocks of life." If they find the chemicals they are looking for, so what? How many billions is it worth to you? Now, if they go to Mars looking for a new source of crude oil, I'm all for it.


In case you need any more proof the US is going the way of the Roman Empire, consider the rise of spectacles such as ultimate fighting, American Gladiator and now, mixed martial arts. MMA made its primetime network debut on CBS recently. This sort of public barbarity is always a sign of decline. See for yourself.

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