Thursday, March 20, 2008

Flash: Dems Criticize Bush! Dolphins Just Love Plastic Wal-Mart Bags!

I am beginning to think I can't trust my hometown newspaper, The Santa Rosa Press Democrat, which is owned by the New York Times. (Please excuse me while I take a moment to run and get a mop to wipe up all the sarcasm dripping from that last sentence...there, now I can continue.)

I poured over a story the other day that the PD picked up from the LA Times (bad idea) headlined, "Bush's Grasp of Crisis Questioned: Critics Say President Needs to Pay More Attention to Economy." I'll give you a few moments to recover from the incredible impact of that extraordinarily deep insight.

But I started to read the article looking for the "critics." I read it twice. There was only one, maybe two "critics": the, ahem, unbiased Barney Frank and Jack Reed, both just every-so-slightly liberal democrats. (Excuse me again. Mop time.)

I wonder what reporter Maura Reynolds's personal point of view is on this matter. We might get a clue when she writes--without attribution to any source--that comments Bush made "suggested a comparison to another disaster in which he was accused of acting too slowly: Hurricane Katrina." Gee, a little heavy handed do you suppose?

And another thing: did you read that for about 20 years now, "scientists" have been misquoting a study that supposedly connected marine mammal and avian deaths to plastic shopping bags? It turns out the study found that sea life is sometimes killed by discarded plastic fishing gear, not Wal-Mart bags. Somewhere the wording got twisted and an urban myth was born.

The problem is that greenies all through the civilized world are working their little knuckles to the bone to get the scourge of plastic bags banned forever, lest we destroy the fragile oceans.

The PD just reported that communities in my area are considering proposals to ban the bags, in part because they "remain dangerous to birds and marine life." Does anyone except me remember that German Nazi Joseph Goebbels said, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

The American press is proving Goebbels right every day.

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