Friday, August 14, 2009

More Disinformation


1. Of course President Obama doesn’t want to euthanize your grandma. (Although by his own words, he might prefer she take pain pills rather than get an operation.) However, do you want government-backed end-of-life counseling when there will certainly be overwhelming pressures to keep healthcare costs down? The pressure on the poor and handicapped to make themselves less of a burden on society will be powerful.

2. Just because the bill has “words” that say it will not outlaw private insurers doesn’t guarantee there will continue to be private insurers. If one of the options is a public “health insurance” that has the full faith and credit of the US government behind it, not to mention Congress and the President, it will eventually put private insurers out of business. In candid moments lawmakers say this very thing.

3. Of course President Obama doesn’t want Soviet-style rationing. Actually, the Soviets didn’t want it either. There is rationing with any system. The question is: would you rather have the free market allocate the resources, or federal bureaucrats? I agree our healthcare system must be improved. I don’t believe it needs a total redesign.

4. True, Obama is not secretly plotting to cut Medicare. He is very open about it. Anyone who believes the government can cut $200 billion out of Medicare without reducing the care it provides is dreaming. And if you do believe this, by the way, you are signing on to the proposition that the government that allowed this “fraud and abuse” in the first place is now suddenly capable of running a lean-mean healthcare machine. Right.

5. When the government passed the income tax, lawmakers guaranteed no one would ever pay more than six percent. When they passed social security they guaranteed no one would ever pay more than two percent. Medicare is not funded. Bush’s Medicare drug reform is already under-funded. Whenever a politician from either party says something will pay for itself, grab your wallet. Can we please learn something from history?

And finally, puleeeeze, Gimme a break.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is excellent.