Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Fixing the British Healthcare System in My Sleep

It turns out one of the ways the bureaucrats in England think they can improve their National Healthcare System is by somehow getting NHS workers to stop calling in sick so often.

Here's the way it breaks down:

NHS employees on average call in sick 10.7 days each year. This is one full day above the 9.7 day average for all public sector employees. (Gee, why do I suspect that government employees in England get 10 paid sick days per year?)

In case you're wondering, private sector employees in England take 6.4 sick days each year.

Officials are looking at all sorts of health and wellness issues and scheming expensive ways to bring down the NHS employee sick days.

I can save them the trouble. Here's the answer: privatize the healthcare system. The statistics indicate that this move alone should bring healthcare workers sick days down to about 6.4 per year.

You don't have to thank me.

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