Wednesday, February 6, 2008

(Re)bate and switch; Biofools

Nancy Pelosi is overjoyed that republicans have, for the first time, agreed with the democrats in Congress to send tax rebates to people who haven't paid income tax. Now listen folks, if they haven't paid taxes, it isn't a rebate it's just a "bate."

Gee, do you think the fact that it's an election year has anything to do with this? Sure it does. They're taking your money and (re)baitin' some hooks with it in hopes to snag a few voters. Republicans know they won't win any votes. But they realize they could lose a few independent voters during the general election if they give democrats the chance to make them look like Scrooge for being tightfisted with your money.

The New York Times noted that Congress "moved with unusual speed" to pass the measure. Finally something Washington can do quickly and efficiently: give away money it doesn't have.

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On a different note, you may have read about the research on the burgeoning use of "biofuels" and that in reality, they are worse for the environment than fossil fuels in terms of the greenhouse gases that supposedly cause global warming.

Here's the headline from the next day's paper in my hometown: Biofuel Users Say It's Still a Good Alternative. The story continues, "Advocates of the fuels said the studies do nothing to alter their opinion that biofuels are better for the environment than burning gasoline."

I used to run around with a group of friends and we often kidded one another with, "Don't confuse me with the facts!" We were being funny; these environment advocates are serious. It exposes the truth that the biofools' desire to muck up economic development is much stronger than their concern for the environment.

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