Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is it too soon to start the USA death watch? Or is it too late...

When the press musters the nerve to point out that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office projects a deficit $2.3 trillion larger than that projected by the administration over the next 10 years, President Obama responds, "Shucks, no one really knows what's going to happen in the future."

In other words, Obama is saying, "Data-shmata. That's our story and we're sticking by it."

In his second prime time, glacially-paced press conference, Obama made the argument that we need to spend our way back into prosperity. I'll be honest, I've tried to do that in my family with credit cards, and it just doesn't work.

But the press conference wasn't all bad. Obama managed to get rid of the teleprompter. Now he's reading off what looks like an 80's era big screen TV of some sort.

Have you noticed that Obama's presidential campaign seems to continue full bore? He's still conducting "town hall" meetings. He is still keeping his email marketers busy. It looks to me like his handlers are trying to establish a personality cult. I'm just waiting for the day his ardent supporters start calling him, "Dear Leader." The song and the artwork are already in place.

And just like totalitarian regimes around the world stage phony-baloney populist protests and demonstrations, ACORN, Service Employees International Union, and are doing the dirty work in this country (also check out this link). Corporate "news" reports conveniently forget to omit who is planning, funding, and busing folks out to protest in front of companies like AIG, trying to make the "demonstrations" look like spontaneous outbursts of worker rage.

And to add insult to injury, guess who's making money amid all our financial misery.

George Soros

Where's the outrage over this greedy capitalist's success? Oh, by the way, do you know that the honorable Mr. Soros has a financial career noteworthy for the billions he has made betting against both the dollar and the British pound?

What a guy.

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