Sunday, January 27, 2008

Race doesn't matter. Right.

As his landslide victory in South Carolina became apparent, Barack Obama declared to the crowd that the election wasn’t “about black versus white.”

The throng chanted, “Race doesn’t matter!”

Three out of four blacks voted for Obama. Three out of four whites voted for one of the white candidates. Race doesn’t matter...NOT!

Are conservatives the only ones who see the irony in the fact that the party of affirmative action and civil rights legislation can’t honestly acknowledge that its electorate is voting straight down racial lines? In a week when Americans celebrated a man who dreamt of a country where people would “not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” the media interviewed voters fretting over whether to cast their ballots for the black or the woman. Hey, what about health care?

I believe it is an absolute truth—but would never be conceded by liberals—that conservatives would be proud to vote for a conservative black candidate and would judge him (or her!) on the basis of shared values.

[Vote Condi ’12!]

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