Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm not a "Birther" I'm a "Birth Certificater"

All in all, I believe Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. Planting newspaper accounts to make it seem he was born in the United States when he was, in fact, born elsewhere is highly improbable.
However, I want to see his birth certificate. Why? Simple. He doesn’t want me to see it.

When someone is keeping something secret, it’s only human nature to want to find out what it’s all about. There are legions of pundits and political operatives who want to convince the American public that the people who are fighting to see Barack Obama’s birth certificate are either idiots or racists.
I might be an idiot, but I’m not a racist. Further, even if I am an idiot, wanting to know as much as possible about the man who is president of our nation is not idiocy.
Until President Obama proves otherwise by releasing the actual birth certificate that was issued at the time of his birth, I have to assume that he’s hiding something. If I had to guess I suppose it would either say that his race was white or his religion was Muslim.
Also, the president who campaigned on “transparency” seems shrouded in mystery. As the copywriters like to say he “exploded” onto the national scene virtually overnight. He was an unknown Illinois state senator with a penchant for voting “present” who served part of a single term as a member of the United States Senate and the next thing you know he’s in the White House.
He supposedly sat in Reverend Wright’s church for 20 years but never heard any of the preacher’s anti-American rants. If he was the sort of churchgoer who only attends on Easter and Christmas, I could believe that. But Barack Obama said Reverend Wright was like family to him. Something doesn’t jibe.
President Obama refuses to release his college transcripts. Again, for a president who says he values transparency, why? There must be things noted within those records that he doesn’t want the American public to know.
It seems to me that Barack Obama and his political handlers have worked very hard to obscure his origins. Although Obama lived in the same neighborhood as unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, served on a prominent board with him and had his political career kicked off in Ayers’ living room, Obama has always denied any real knowledge of, or friendship with the man.
American voters gave Obama a pass on all these issues the first time around. We are a people who like to take others at their word, so when candidate Obama and his handlers said he was just a regular guy with an odd name who held traditional Christian values, voters believed it. Further, to question the (Democratic) party line was tantamount to racism, and no one wants to be considered a racist.
As the American political machine revs up for the 2012 presidential election, let’s hope that the public and the press vet President Obama and his Republican opponent fully and fairly. We have a right to know the background, temperament, tendencies, religion and philosophy of the man or woman who sends our youth into war and determines our economic future.

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